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The Future of Sustainable Food Processing & Packaging

The issue of climate change has thrown light on the need for sustainable and green practices in every industry worldwide. The food industry is no different and has to adopt this new paradigm to stay relevant in the ever-changing world. The food industry significantly impacts the environment, including the depletion of natural resources, the production of greenhouse gasses, and air and water pollution. Hence it is critical in the current day and age that the food industry adopts the sustainable paradigm not just to save the environment but to stay relevant in the future.

Single-use plastic is one of the biggest culprits in the food packaging industry that has a very adverse effect on the environment. The production of these plastics causes pollution as it is a petroleum product. And most of these plastics aren’t biodegradable, so they end up in a landfill and cause land pollution for an indefinite amount of time. The FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) has taken many steps and proposed policies to reduce the use of single-use plastic in food packaging. Using more eco-friendly packaging materials like biodegradable or recyclable plastic, paper, and cardboard, or material formed by waste food products can be used to reduce the carbon footprint of food processing facilities.

Other sustainable practices a food processing and packaging company can incorporate are using energy-efficient LED lighting, geothermal heating during winter, and solar panels to produce electricity in their packaging and processing facilities. Water conservation technologies like drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting should be used in the fields to grow vegetables and grains. Sustainable agriculture practices like reducing the use of chemicals, crop rotations, and using organic fertilizers instead of artificial ones should be promoted. Companies are also focusing on implementing measures to reduce carbon footprint by using low-carbon transportation for food products and identifying reduction levers in the downstream production processes. Another sustainable approach any company should incorporate is to asses their practices periodically and identify sustainable opportunities to reduce their negative impact on the environment.

Many Indian companies have adopted these sustainable practices to make their facilities eco-friendly.

ITC Ltd is a multi-business conglomerate with a diverse presence in the food industry in FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) sector. The company’s E-Choupal network provides modern technologies to rural farmers to make the process of farming more sustainable by reducing waste of water and chemicals and increasing yields. Currently, 42% of the company’s energy comes from renewable sources like wind and solar energy, and the company is targeting 100% in the near future. They have a zero-deforestation policy and source their wood and agricultural products from sustainable sources.

The leading breakfast cereal brand Kellogg’s has pledged to reach 100% use of reusable and recyclable materials for their packaging by the end of 2025. Coca-Cola is one of the biggest plastic users in the world but has now shifted towards a more Eco-friendly, plant-based, and biodegradable material for the production of their bottles. As of now, only 30% of the bottle is made of these Eco-friendly materials, and the rest 70% is plastic, but the company is planning to stop using plastic in their packaging soon. This can result in the prevention of more than 365,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

Major Indian companies like Amul and Patanjali Ayurved have adopted the use of biodegradable and recyclable materials for packaging. Patanjali Ayurved has adopted sustainable practices in its manufacturing processes, like waste management, water conservation, and the use of renewable energy.

The food industry in India is rapidly adopting sustainable and green practices to reduce its environmental impact while ensuring the quality and affordability of its food products. By doing this, they are also garnering goodwill from the consumers.

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